About Russ
Hey, I’m Russ. I’m a social entrepreneur, coach and advisor. For the last 30 years, I’ve helped make life and work better for people contemplating how to improve both. They are linked. I choose people to counsel regularly and closely.
I’m happy that you are getting help given the challenges before you. Before you reach and I get to know you better it seems pretty smart, and only fair, for you to get to know who I am and where I come from. Throughout the site I’ve included unedited quotes from those I’ve supported because I don’t want you to just hear my take on me. Read on to determine if you should reach out.
Every week I spend time helping a founder, director or someone in career transition find a vetted coach or consultant. Most of the time I direct them to someone else I know by helping them figure out who has the right experiences, identities, and communication style to support them to do important work and/or have a fulfilling life. With that in mind read on to learn more about me and whether we would be a fit.